CSC assignment 2015 #ibmcsc brazil

2015 May 1st, a day that I have been expecting for so long time, when my Corporate Service Corp buddies and I will head for Fortaleza, Brazil. The experience will be so meaningful that we are going to help a local NGO –ITEVA to adapts its ICT course into state vocational school.

Based in the city of Aquiraz, State of CearĂ¡, the Advanced Technical and Vocational Institute (ITEVA) is a nonprofit organization that develops programs focused on empirical science, technology education, and technical training. ITEVA provides training in several areas including information communication technologies (ICTs) and low cost energy.

My team members are Mr. Alexander Gaertner (Germany); Mr. Matthew Butterbaugh (USA). We are all looking forward to the upcoming journey!

efficiency, thermodynamics, green construction, and organic farming.